Saas Software was first designed to work as an economic way for companies to obtain the same rights and benefits of commercial applications licenses, which are real complex and expensive.
This software has only been available for big companies since its implementation cost is real high, though this is not a barrier for small businesses which have a high demand for this software. Thanks to SAAS software any type of company can rely on a group of apps that can allow them to compete with bigger companies. All they have to so is hire the service on a monthly basis for a very cheap price. The provider offers everything necessary to get your hands dirty and start working right away, one of the huge benefits of this service is that maintenance is already included on the monthly payment.
SAAS Advantages:
- You get access to real powerful apps for really cheap prices.
- Stop wasting your money on commercial licenses.
- The user only pays for what he uses.
- Availability 24/7
- You get rid of secret fees, maintenance costs, security copies, etc..
- Access anytime anywhere.
- Immediate installation
- Security.
SAAS Disadvantages:
- The User has no access to the content since its saved in a remote storage.
- You need internet to access this software.
- Since the User has no access to the software, it becomes impossible for him to make modifications (Depending on the modality of the service)
There´s a huge diversity on the SAAS software that have GNU license, and also where the provider only charges you for the use of the service, this gives the user the possibility to modify it or to obtain the source code, implementing it on the provider´s company servers and from there to their employees via internet. A really good option if you are starting your online business and don’t have a lot of capital.
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