Does Is A Free Antivirus Efficient?

Having a powerful and efficient antivirus is absolutely necessary in your computer. Even though there are more than a few online alternatives, if you have laptop or a desktop, it is very important that you can have installed in it a reputable antivirus which is capable of detecting viruses, Trojans and malware in general. There are several threats and it is impossible to navigate the internet without being infected. That’s why at the present time; you need to be fully equipped with an integrated solution in your personal computer. However, what about free antivirus? Does is a free antivirus sufficient to stop all the threats that are willing to penetrate my system. Definitely Yes! You can get the most out of some free tools that are very efficient and can be installed your computer, laptop or netbook. If you don’t have sufficient money to pay for a so-expensive-antivirus-suit you should keep reading this article to discover the most recommended free antivirus software for you.

Free antivirus I recommend

Even though there are some cheap copies and license for Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky, Bit Defender, Avast!, Avira, Panda and other famous antivirus brands, you can get more benefits and efficient updates from a free antivirus or an virus scanner. One of the most recommended free tools I use in my computer is AVG Antivirus. Even though you can buy a commercial version for $34.99, it is an efficient solution for free that you can download at home for personal purposes –non commercial— and enjoy of a powerful, reliable and efficient antivirus that is completely free and very easy to use. AVG Antivirus is in my opinion the most stable solution in the market. You can install it and it not only protects your computer from viruses. In addition, your internet connect and your browsing activity with be fully protected against malware and any kind of thread.

The AVG Antivirus is specially designed to block and warn you from all these websites which contain viruses and can affect your system and make you have problems with your data integrity and security.

 Other free solutions

There are still more things you can do for having your computer protected and keep it away from any kind of threats. If you get access to the Norton Antivirus site, you can use a free service that allows you to scan your computer for free. This is an excellent option for enjoy of the power of Norton Antivirus without having to pay for license and even without installing a  heavy software like this in your computer. On the other hand, there are further solutions like Norton and McAfee that have the same service for everyone who desires to scan a computer or USB eternal drive from the web.

This is very useful alternative for those who use a netbook. The pitfall here is that you need software installed in your computer because there are threats that can penetrate your system through from a different source and not necessarily from the web.

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